Since April this year, we have been investigating the feasibility of a scheme to double a section of track between Ely and Soham as part of the Felixstowe to Nuneaton freight capacity enhancements that has already seen us carry out significant works around the Ipswich Chord, as well as other upgrades to the infrastructure between Felixstowe and Nuneaton.
Over the last year, our designers and engineers have been carrying out a feasibility study and site surveys to understand the possibility of doubling the track between Ely and Soham. This would require purchasing additional land and changes to level crossings, and as such we have also been speaking to landowners and lineside neighbours to gather feedback on our proposals.
From this work, we have unfortunately identified that the cost of the scheme would be more than the budget that is currently available.
In order to progress with the scheme, we would need to submit a Transport and Works Act Order (TWAO) to the Secretary of State for Transport, stating that we have sufficient funding. However, this will now be put on hold until the funding can be identified.
This scheme was being considered as part of the Department for Transport’s Investment Framework Fund.
The scheme is now on hold while we identify the funding available for the scheme in order to submit our TWAO, and therefore the on-going consultation with landowners, businesses and other impacted parties will recommence when a revised date for submission is established.