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Hope Valley Capacity Scheme - June 2015

Started 01 June 2015 00:00 — Ended 19 June 2015 23:59

Started 01 June 2015 00:00 Ended 19 June 2015 23:59
Status: Closed


Network Rail is improving the Hope Valley’s railway as part of over £1 billion of investment to deliver faster, more frequent services across the north of England.


The plans

Demand for rail travel between Manchester and Sheffield is increasing, with forecasts showing potential growth of 56% in Sheffield and 66% in Manchester by 2029.

To help meet the forecasted passenger demand, we’re planning to improve sections of railway close to Dore & Totley station, and between Bamford and Hathersage stations.

Our work will enable faster passenger services to overtake slow moving freight trains. This will deliver better journeys on the Hope Valley line between Manchester and Sheffield by creating the capacity for:

  • Three fast trains per hour, instead of two, between Manchester and Sheffield.
  • An hourly local stopping service, instead of one every two hours, on the Hope Valley line.

An increase in the number of freight services is not included in the scope of this scheme.


East of Bamford station

We want to build a new section of track to the east of Bamford station, to create a passing loop, which will allow faster passenger services to overtake slow moving freight trains.

The new track would run alongside the existing railway, and be used by freight trains heading in the direction of Sheffield.



We want to extend the existing Dore South Curve section of track, between West View Lane and Dore South Junction, to allow enough standing room for freight trains. This will allow passenger services to pass without a waiting freight train blocking either the Hope Valley or Midland Main Lines.

A second track serving Dore & Totley station will be created and a new platform constructed. This will be accessed by a new footbridge and lifts. 


Why we are consulting

To inform the design, we have consulted with the public, stakeholders and our colleagues in the rail industry. We gathered valuable feedback on our plans during two rounds of consultation this year, in January and June.

The June 2015 consultation ran from 1 June to 19 June, and is now closed.

The feedback submitted to us will be made available in a Consultation Report which will form part of the TWAO application, and will be available to view when the application is submitted in the autumn.

A summary of the January consultation is available here, and answers to frequently asked questions during the consultation are available to download below. 


What happens next

Where we are proposing to use land or build outside of the established boundary of the railway and require consents, we will apply to the Secretary of State for Transport for a Transport and Works Act Order (TWAO). We will submit the TWAO application this autumn.

Some of the improvements that would be delivered as part of this scheme fall within the boundaries of railway land and do not require any new consent. These will not be included in the TWAO application.

Following our submission of the TWAO application, a copy of the application and supporting documents will be available to view on our website. Objections, representations and letters of support can be made by anyone to the Secretary of State within a 42 day period after the application is submitted. More details on how to do this will be available on our website at the time of application.

If you have any further comments or questions you can contact us by emailing or call 03457 11 41 41

