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Werrington Grade Separation

Started 07 September 2016 00:00 — Ended 12 October 2016 23:59

Started 07 September 2016 00:00 Ended 12 October 2016 23:59
Status: Closed



NOTE: This consultation is now closed and only for information purposes.




Improving rail travel on the East Coast Main Line


The Secretary of State for Transport has recognised the importance of improving capacity and reducing journey times on the East Coast Main Line (ECML). As part of Network Rail’s Railway Upgrade Plan we are investing in the ECML to deliver additional capacity and improve train performance and reliability.


The Werrington Grade Separation project will involve the construction of a rail chord (line) to provide a new connection between ECML and the Great Northern Great Eastern (GNGE) line. The existing crossing movement at ground level causes constraints on the network as freight and passenger trains have to cross over the high speed East Coast lines. This project will remove this constraint.


The Project


We are proposing to build a new two-track railway line, just over 3km in length, under the East Coast Main Line at Werrington Junction to enable high-speed trains to pass over the Great Northern Great Eastern Line. North of the Cock Lane footbridge the Stamford Lines would be widened to the west to create four tracks. The central pair of tracks would then dive into a new underpass, below the ECML, and rise to meet the GNGE line approximately 600m after Lincoln Road.


Consent for the work


Network Rail is required to submit an application for a Transport and Works Act Order (TWAO) to request permission to build and operate the scheme from the Secretary of State for Transport. We are holding a number of consultation events to ask for feedback to help us shape these plans and take account of any concerns the local community may have.


Stage 1 public consultation: Two engineering options - completed summer 2014


Early consultation was undertaken locally on two engineering options for the project. The options were showcased along with initial emerging environmental information. Around 400 people attended. The feedback received was collated and analysed and used to help inform the selection of the preferred option.


You can download the consultation leaflet showing the plans we shared with the community in 2014 here Werrington Junction consultation leaflet - Summer 2014.


Of the 142 hard copy/online responses received 47% of respondees strongly supported our plans to improve passenger services on the ECML, while 30% agreed, 11% were undecided, and 11% disagreed or strongly disagreed (1% did not answer). 69% of respondees preferred the dive-under option, 18% the fly over and 13% were undecided. Based on several factors, including the consultation feedback, the dive-under option was selected as the preferred option for the scheme.


The preferred option was announced in October 2015 and two public ‘drop-in’ sessions at the Hodgson Community Centre in Werrington on Friday 2 and Saturday 3 October 2015 to present the dive-under as the preferred option.


You can download a copy of the letter which was sent out to the community updating them on this preferred option, Werrington Junction - Autumn 2015 update


Stage 2 pre-application public consultation: Single preferred option - Autumn 2016


Ahead of the finalisation of our plans and TWAO submission for the project in December 2016 we are holding four public consultation events to provide an opportunity for you to review the plans for the scheme, speak to members of the Project Team and provide your feedback. This stage will also help to address any queries before the plan for the dive under option is finalised.


 Come and speak to the team


Ahead of the finalisation of our plans and TWAO submission for the Werrington Grade Separation dive-under project we will be holding a final four public consultation events to provide an opportunity for you to review the plans for the scheme, speak to members of the Project Team and provide your feedback. The dates and locations for the events are as follows:


    Wednesday 7 September 2016 – Werrington Village Centre, Church Street, Werrington, Peterborough, PE4 6QE – 15:00-19:00


    Saturday 10 September 2016 – William Law School/Emmanuel Church Hall, Twelvetree Avenue, Werrington, Peterborough, PE4 5DT – 10:30-14:30


    Thursday 15 September 2016 – The Barn Youth Centre, Hodgson Avenue, Werrington, Peterborough, PE4 5DU – 14:30-18:30


    Friday 16 September 2016 – Werrington Village Centre, Church Street, Werrington, Peterborough, PE4 6QE – 14:00-17:00


Next steps


The dive-under option presents a number of design and construction challenges for us and we have brought a specialist contractor on board to assist in the detailed design and construction methodology for the project. They will also be involved in the construction of the dive-under should it gain the necessary consents.


Key dates and timescales for the second stage of consultation, application for consent and construction are as follows:


    Stage 2 pre-application public consultation: September 2016

    Submit application for consent (TWAO) to carry out the work: December 2016

    Secretary of State decision: Spring/Summer 2018

    Work starts (subject to consent being granted)

    Completion of works: End of 2020



Due to a delay in uploading some of the consultation materials we have extended the consultation period and it will now close for feedback on 12 October 2016.


Please ensure that your feedback reaches us by 12 October 2016 so we have adequate time to consider your comments.


